- Title: 敗犬女王 (败犬女王) / Pai Chuan Nu Wang (Bai Quan Nu Wang)
- English title: My Queen
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 21
This drama is sooo good! seriously ! I absolutely love it! I think it had a pretty high ranking. And this drama is so great, the main character is like a workaholic and well, I dont know but I just cried in many scenes but at the same time this drama is so funny most of the time! Its a must watch!! Especially for working ladies :)

- Title: 桃花小妹 / Tao Hua Xiao Mei
- English title: MoMo Love
- Previously known as: 桃花愛無敵
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 13
omg! love this drama it is so cute!!! I love the story the cute romance in college scene, so sweet~ and love how the borthers are overly protective! gosh i wonder how that would be...how awesome pretty sweet, this drama is so cute and really funny, and well if you know the band Fahrenheit then its definitely a must watch! Great characters ..singers in this drama! Especially love Jiro Wang!!! he is soo cute~

- Title: 下一站,幸福 / Xia Yi Zhan, Xing Fu
- Also known as: Autumn's Concerto / Next Stop, Happiness
- Genre: Romance
Six years pass. Mu Cheng lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside while Guang Xi is now a successful lawyer and is engaged to He Yi Qian, the kind and beautiful doctor who took care of him after his surgery. A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi's heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Cheng. How will the couple make up for six years of lost time? Happiness, which stop do I alight at?"
omg! this drama is so sad!! It made me cry so much but in a touching way...I just felt really sad but at the same time this drama has so much meaning and purpose to it, seriously a must watch, theres times where i thought of how this drama is wayy too sad and didnt want to continue on watching but thats when it started to become ok , and having happy scenese! Its such a cute family story ! Love it!! MUST WATCH definitely
- Title: 紫玫瑰 / Zi Mei Gui
- English title: Roseate-Love
- Also known as: Purple Rose / 紙玫瑰 (Paper Rose) / 天國的薔薇 (The Rose of Heaven)
- Genre: Romance, melodrama
- Episodes: 13
This drama is really good! about music, singing and such a cute love ...i seriously love the theme of the story, The purple flowers so pretty!! and well, if you love music...speicifically singing and listening to songs this drama is definitely a must watch for you! I cried in some scenes , its a heart warming story though..i really reccommend it

- Title: 痞子英雄 / Pi Tzu Ying Hsiung (Pi Zi Ying Xiong)
- English title: Black & White
- Genre: Police, action
- Episodes: 24
Ok now this drama! it is sooo good, I cant believe I'd ever say this but lol....I actually like it alot, at first I thought of how it was action and police and immediately I thought this was going to be a boring and lots of shooting kind of drama but actually it was more than that, The way the drama is made and set up is really interesting and theres many parts that are so funny, mainly because of the character attitude...oh and BTW the two main guy character omg! they are so HOT! (may i say..be prepared ...dont drool too much..lol) but yah this drama is really good, similar to the Korean drama IRIS

- Title: 魔女18號 / Mo Nu 18 Hao
- Genre: Family / Fantasy / Comedy
- Episodes: 80
hahaha love this drama Its sooooo funny, This is like how the three sisters are witches and they do many things in order to have the family become a happy and great family, the many things that they do are soooo funny!!!! Seriously if you LOVE comedy, watch this!!! you are going to laugh...oh and this is really cute drama,it has this family ..at home type of feeling...(lol...I dont know but thats how I feel, possibly mainly because I am Taiwanese so seeing this makes me miss my relatives in Taiwan...!!) but yah its pretty funny!

- Title: 海派甜心 / Hai Pai Tian Xin
- English title: Hi My Sweetheart
- Also known as: Play Boy and Sweetheart / Shanghai Sweetheart
- Genre: Romance, comedy
- Episodes: 14
Ok well this drama, shall I say more..? I'm pretty sure you have heard about this drama, (well, first off I'd like to say I think that pretty much all of Rainie Yangs drama are soo good, I have watched all of it, so I guess I can be considered as her semi fan...lol) and this drama is really different! It shows of her in college life in China then the life after in Taiwan...Love the acting ! Its really funny!
Hope you watch it!!
Tell me which one you like
have watched or will be watching
I'd love to hear from you!
& if you need help finding out where to watch it with subs tell me!