Hi everyone ! Hope that all of you are enjoying your holidays so far! Well todays post is real short just wanted to share a few pictures with you guys, this was taken from the summer...(yes i know it was a long time ago...)But yeah Michael Jacksons star was filled with piles of gifts and letter and pictures, all of his fans were around and luckily I squeezed inside the circle of fans to take a few pictures!
so....sad :( I actually kinda liked michael jackson! His singing and dancing was so speical and unique
How awesome is that? A sephora veding machine! I can't wait for this to happen, it would be so fun !!! What do you think? Like it >_
Well :) Hello everyone, sorry for not blogging for a couple of days, theres good news and bad news, first with the bad news I guess, :[ I was sick with a high fever and didnt go to school for like a day and now i have a sore throat, it really sucks, my friends cant even hear me eventhough she sits like right next to me.... It really sucks but well the good news is, yay!!! I found my camera, I found it in the random cabinet wrapped in a bag and even wrapped in my cardigan? how random is that??? lol, well I was just super happy yesterday, and kept taking bunch of pictures, so soon I'll be posting about my skin care and those beauty stuff and secrets and tips, that I have been messing around with and discovered and some hauls and My artwork , my collage! Finally....!!! Well anyways, todays posting is about Vending machines, I just recently noticed how great they are, seriously Its so fun!!! !! Ok here goes a bunch of different vending machines out there! >_< One of my favorite ones ! The shoe vending machine!!!
Whoa...lets see A robot vending machine, Hmm..I wonder if its gonna run around the city
Pizza!!!! vending machine so awesome
(But you know, this would be wayyy better if it came with a Vegetarian Pizza vending machine !!!!)
ok....Now here we have a human vending machine? Why couldnt it just be normal magazine vending machine, why the heck does the girl have to be there?? >_<>
The usual, and my favorite one when i was a kid, the toy vending machine
Aww...so pretty flower vending machine :) For the guys in a hurry to give there girl flowers
LMAO *_* I was laughing so hard this is ridculous, eggs!!!
Omg this is one of the cute ones too! Its a Umbrella vending machine...how awesome it that!
Ergghh... a awkward but uhmmm interesting....Its a lingerie vending machine x_x Korea vending machine of Books :) LOL Rent a Laptop ?_? Aww..so cute Hello Kitty, Popcorn! awesome ^_^ Camera Vending machine! But now, even better! Ipod and other Apple gadgets vending machine!
The vending machine for the artist! Filled with art supplies, from stenciling kits to spray paints ...hahaha so fun :) makes buying so easy and quick
I wish there were some great vending machines around where I live ! So now I want to hear from you! What do you think? Which is your favorite vending machine?
Hello everyone! Wow, I havent blogged on beauty products for quite a long time! Sorry everyone, but I can't find my camera!! :( so yeah, I'm blogging on the photos that i took during summer, Due to my Short term memory that i think im gaining ....I have no idea where i hid my camera...lol and to make things worse I have to try finding it at two places, My home and the salon *sigh* wish me good luck yeah? x_x well here goes todays beauty product review what is said about the product, what it's supposed to do: A rich, reparative skin-lightening cream formulated to diffuse benefits throughout the night, when skin cells are most receptive to renewal. Brightens complexion and evens skin tone, while helping improve skin texture and resilience. In the morning, skin looks and feels refreshed, energized, incredibly soft, smooth and supple.
Why I bought it: I bought it that time mostly because of reading this review "I already love it and it's only been two weeks. This will definately be one I keep in my daily regimine. I can see the difference on my skin discolorations and an evening out of the overall look of my face." and also another review "I have totally fallen in love with this product line. This night cream leaves my skin soft and radiant without greasy feeling. I can see my skin being more clarified than before! "
But now heres my review on it: Well first off I'd like to tell you that once I use it, it was amazing for my comnination skin. I had always been in search of a real good moisturizer that actually helps for my oily t zone and dry cheek area. This really helps! Its amazing! Seriously once I put it onto my face, the moisture was perfect for my skin. And gradually in a couple of days I could really see the difference. My skin became softer , so basicaly I love this! I would recommend it for everyone to use! It can be used for all skin types. Check it out here at the site! Are you interested in buying it, if you are then your luck :) because right now its on sale for only $19.99 (If your interested in more sales & even giveaways or freebies be sure to check out my other blogPink Savings!) ~H2O+ Waterwhite Brightening Night Cream I give it a 4star/5star
Thanks for reading, if you have further questions or concerns go ahead and e-mail me emilyluvmonkey@gmail.com
And sorry, been a bit busy I still have so much to blog about, I'll try to blog as often as possible, Check out wat I will be blogging soon (read it from the right hand side, the side bar)
Lastly, Thanks! Thanks so much for my lovely followers! & thanks for everyones kind words, and sweet comments, all of you give me boost and make me smile! All of you make my day >_<
Have a wonderful day ! (If you have time Check out my latest post on :D Moments)
Hello everyone! Hope all of you had a wonderful Cyber Monday! Did u guys buy stuff and get great deals? Well todays post is on being happy! Yesterday I discovered a wonderful blog, and got invited and accepted the invitation. Now I am a contributor of This blog Happy Moments! Check it out, This blog is really awesome!!!(click on the first picture, the picture on the top to read my first post on the blog! Its really useful and helpful ^_^ or click here)