Im pretty sure all of you guys know of what happened 8 years ago to the twin towers in New york. The devastaing event that left many heartbroken and sad
Today is a day to remember, at school today we had this assembly and when we were saying the pledge of allegiance, we had a moment of silence to remember the people that had died in 9-11 , it was 8 years ago .....I am actually lucky enough to not have lost any loved ones in the 9-11 but not everyone is as lucky as me
During the moment of silence to remember them, my mind flashed back to 8 years ago I was only 8 years old (what a scary coincidence o_O) I remember waking up in the morning all ready to watch my morning cartoon, once I opened the TV I saw one of the twin towers go down! I was shocked and really scared at the sight, I was frightened, especially when I saw a person just jump out of the window.Ok so I feel pretty sad today :( but I always try to think on the bright side and make myself happy as soon as possible, so now for my favorite.....Some RANDOM stuff to end this post!
During that assembly at my school today I saw my friends in COLORGUARD!
and I was just like ...."oh hey, I remember doing that"
Heres some pictures of when I was in colorguard , it was about 2 years ago
haha yep, thats me(pink arrow >_< )
Me(black arrow)Ok thats it , but WAIT! hmm...I'm pretty sure not many of you guys know of COLORGUARD right?? ok its a SPORT, we perform with the Band peoples and we do different types of tricks and pretty stuff with different flags, and we practice routine. Colorguard is like dancing and doing tricks with a flag. Its very fun but pretty hard. We have to practice till 9pm sometimes, and on Satudays we had to practice the entire day. For performances we sometimes come home very late , like around 11pm. But the worst part is when I have to do tricks and practice at home I used to hit my head alot....... but haha ^_^ its all worth it, because tossing up a flag and catching it is super fun!oh yah and lastly theres three types of stuff we use, kinda like 3 levelsBeginning level: Using a FlagIntermediate level: Using a Rifle (its not real dont worry :p)Last level: Using a Saber (we tape it up so the sharp part so it'd be safe)Thats it for Today :D have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!