Good Morning everyone! or good afternoon or good night, wherever u are :) Today I want to share with all of you the awesome sponges I bought at Marukai! They are really popular in Japan !
The first one, the black one is for the face It is a konjac sponge which also contains charcoal . Charcoal which I believe mostly all of you beauty pros know, but Charcoal is made by burning pieces of bamboo, it can improve your skin by drawing out the impurities in pores, dirt, and oil. Regular use can acne and blackheads
This second one, is just a Konjac sponge. And it is made specifically for use on the body :)These two are both Konjac sponge, Konjac is a type of plant that can be eaten. I watched on a Japanese TV show, and Konjac sponges are said to be really good for the skin! They said that it is better then washing your face and body with your hands.So how about you ? Do you use charcoal products?Do you use any sponges for cleansing purposes?Have you heard of Konjac before, or eaten it?I will be doing a full review on these soon .....Thanks for supporting my blog!